I was so fortunate to have a mother who introduced me to Yoga in the l950s. Like my father, she too was a pioneer in the field of “natural” health. She studied with the originators of reflexology, was an honorary member of the Chiropractic Association, a licensed physical therapist, a hypnotherapist and informally, an amazing psychic. She could travel intra-dimensionally through time and foretell the future. However, as a small child, I was most fascinated by what I considered to be her most important accomplishment…the art of analyzing a person’s handwriting. Again, she was on the leading edge of this subject and studied with elders who for decades had carried on this tradition. As I grew and learned to read and write, she slowly began to share with me what she had learned about this little-known art. I was mesmerized by the way a person’s script could accurately reveal their personality traits. Even though I knew that under all of our personal quirks, there is a deep layer in all of us where our spirit bypasses all the personality issues that divide us as human beings. One evening many months ago, I was watching the news showing the current President dramatically signing his name to a legislative proclamation. I was about to leave the room when he held it up for the viewing audience to see. I was shocked. His signature seemed to jump off the screen and stopped me in my tracks. I had never seen anything like it. The strokes were very black and bold. Even though they were coming from a marking pen, the choice of that pen would display a person who enjoys dominance over others. The strength of the strokes suggests a person born with strong internal organs and strong sexual energy. The extreme height of the strokes of the pen reveal a tendency to “color outside of the lines.” In other words, they feel they are above and beyond the laws, rules and regulations that guide the lives of others. The sharp vertical lines are like daggers thrusting out as if to attack others with hypercritical thoughts and words. This signature unveils an immature being who is cavalier and even whimsical in making decisions that impact the lives of millions of people. A decision can be made one minute and reversed the next. The strokes are straight up and down neither leaning to right or left displaying a person who lives “in the moment” insulated from his own conscience. In some ways this could be an asset and in other ways, it is not reflective of a contemplative thinker. It shows a person who is “street wise” with a law of the jungle mentality but lacking in higher wisdom and integrity. The knife-like strokes concerned me the most. They are sharp, revealing a tendency to mentally and verbally attack others to the point of cruelty. According to the shape of the letters, I’m sorry to say, there is no sign of a well-rounded and integrated personality. It reveals a person who has a pathological need for attention, approval, and yes, even a need for respect. This is the signature of an expansive thinker but in a way that is self -serving rather than for the greater good of humankind. The letters that are almost superimposed upon one another reveal a tendency toward excessive secrecy, which can be understandable for anyone in public life who struggles to protect and enhance their own image. The soaring strokes above the bottom line are indicative of one who is prone to exaggeration and distortion of facts. The elongated lines show an ability to stretch truth to a point of deformation where it morphs into a lie. There is no transparency in the writing but there are strokes that reveal a bold visionary, who thinks big and is single-minded in fulfilling his visions. However, there are letters that are cut short revealing a lack of follow-through. I kept thinking about this person’s need for dominance that is revealed in his signature. It strongly shows an excessive tendency toward autocracy with an obsessive need to control people and situations around him. This signature belongs to a micromanager thinking that he alone knows better than others. It is not the signature of one who can listen. In fact, it shows that the person behind the strokes cannot hear the voices of others even when he may appear to be listening. It shows that the one behind the scribbles takes every opportunity to dominate conversations, mostly expounding in terms of self-aggrandizement. From the handwriting alone, it looks like the one behind the strokes could suck the air out of a room showing an erratic neediness that exhausts the energy and creativity of all those around. I’m sorry to say…that there seems to be more contractive rather than expansive traits of this signature. However, the elongated strokes are of one who is “bigger than life,” bold, and defiant especially when opposed. This person could heavily push on others in attempts to get his own way The handwriting strokes reveal a person who, when they think they are wronged, do not seek justice as much as revenge. This person is highly individualistic and cannot work in a committee or team of people for a common goal. The signature shows a highly autocratic person, like a King who dominates, rather than hears and integrates the needs and wishes of his people. The delicate feather strokes on a few letters show an amazing flair for beauty and sumptuous surroundings. I have been mulling over this signature since first seeing it. Some of my family members are supporters of this president so I have been reluctant to share this with them. And some of you may not agree with this assessment…and that’s okay. Since the Presidential election, I struggle to stay in the Buddhi mind of equanimity, and find it increasingly difficult in light of growing imbalance in our governance at this time. Sometimes we need to periodically go out of balance to help bring a situation back into balance. I learned this from Yoga Master, Mr. B.K.S. Iyengar. One day in class in India, he was adjusting the body of a Yoga student to help her align in the pose. He looked at me and asked, “Do you see…can you see? I’m throwing my body out of alignment to help her come into alignment.” Are we all at this time being asked to come out of the Yogic state of neutral observation to take a position or stance to help our national body to come into balance? The person behind the signature has been unique in how he has brought up pre- existing political corruption while adding his own to the mix. We practice Yoga, to bring up what is embedded in our subconscious psyche. And now, we are experiencing this in the collective psyche of our country. Whether Individual or collective, in Yoga it is believed that impressions (samskaras) must surface before they can be seen, healed and in turn, transformed. In these past two or more years there have been so many things that have been brought up to the surface of our socio-political system that require healing and transformation. However, according to this presidential handwriting, there is a “coarseness” in the personality with few signs, if any, of nobility and graciousness. In his obsessive need to dominate, the one behind the signature can become a destructive and dangerous force. My evangelical friends think this president was sent by God to end abortions, which would give the government control over women’s bodies. They are also excited because some feel he is the one to usher in the long-awaited apocalyptic rapture of Armageddon. Some think he is God’s messenger and divinely sent, while others think he is sent by a force other than God. Yes, according to this handwriting this person who dominates the news cycles, is shaking up old sediments of the past revealing what may no longer be working. His mere presence in the “highest” office of the land is testing the strength of a democratic system that our forefathers envisioned over 200 years ago. It’s interesting to note that in Greek mythology there once was a demi-God named Chaos, who was frightening. He would always create a whirlwind of turbulence and confusion before ensuing changes. He would strike fear into the hearts of those who wanted to maintain the status quo. Because Chaos always preceded change, he was eventually excluded from the pantheon of the Gods. Perhaps, the Greek Gods have now reinstalled Chaos and sent him to remind us earthly mortals that some of the old edifices and structures may have to crumble before the new can be born. Could this President be an unwitting messenger of Chaos with all his confusion and destructive tendencies? However, maybe we should ask ourselves and others, “Are we jumping from the frying pan into the fire?” Is this our tapas as individuals and as a nation? In Yoga, tap means to burn. Are we in the burning times which are a purifying prelude to our personal, national, and global transformation? If so, what is our place and destiny within this evolutionary change? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could embrace the fullness of all humanity? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if one day, I will even be able to embrace the Being behind the veil of his signature?
August 2020
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